Key Clients
Key target clients are offshore wind farm owners/operators/developers, particularly utility companies, island nations, and remote diesel-powered areas. Including companies that are seeking carbon credits.Selected key target clients: EDF, RWE, DONG Energy, Vattenfall, EnBW, Offshore Wind Developers in US and Europe, Green Energy Investment Companies, Island Societies going green
The BWOT team has strong business relationships with all of the above target clients (through services rendered on on-going offshore wind farm projects)
The BWOT team has extensive experience with clients globally (including markets in Europe, USA and China)
E.ON Offshore Wind Farm Project
- The energy sector is undergoing significant structural changes towards diversification and rapid expansion into renewable energy
- EU binding target by 2030 of 30% coming from renewable energy sources is in place
- US intention to increase share of non-hydro renewables to 20% of US electricity by 2030 (up from app. 7 pct. in 2015)
- Green technology investments, in particular in wind energy, is regarded by governments as ‘smart investments’, by creating new jobs, limiting dependence on fossil fuels and combatting climate change
- Wind power accounts for the dominant share of global investments in renewable energy
- Total global wind power capacity reached 375 GW in December 2014
- A total worldwide investment in offshore wind turbines from 2015 – 2020 of approx. USD 324 billion is projected *)
- The Energy Yield from Offshore Wind Farms are typically 30-40 % higher than for Onshore Wind Farms and visual and noise impacts are very limited
- Approx. 33,700 MW offshore wind power capacity will be installed in the seas around the coastlines of the world by the end 2019 (2014: 7,700 MW)